We do our utmost to accommodate patient's preference for appointments, and try to offer same day/next day appointments if required.
Appointments can also be booked up to 3 months in advance.
Our appointments are generally 10 minutes apart. Please remember an appointment is for ONE PERSON ONLY, and a separate appointment is needed for any other persons attending for a consultation.
We try to offer an efficient and caring service, but because of the nature of our work delays and emergencies do occur, so please try to be patient and understanding.
Book Appointments Online (NB: this service temporarily suspended due to Covid situation)
We are pleased to provide patients with access to its Clinical System via a Secure Web Interface, so they can book appointments online.
To use Patient Access (EMIS) you will need a Practice ID number and an Access ID number which is obtained from the practice, and, in conjunction with a password, will be unique to you.
Please contact the reception to register for this service or click the link below if you have already have your login details.